Friday 4 March 2011

Thriller Further Planning and storyboarding

We have planned our piece further and made the storyboard. First we decided to brainstorm more ideas so that we can see what we would like to do with our piece, so that we may progress further.
 After this we discussed location even though our audience seemed to want a abandoned building predominantly, we decided for our idea using a woodland area, the second most popular choice, would be better for our idea. This allows us to create a more public eerie atmosphere. The fact that anyone could be in this public place gives us a reason for all characters to be there, and also as we are setting it at night it makes it more relatable to an audience, nobody lives in an abandoned house but most people have a woodland area somewhere in their town.

We have discussed actors/actresses and decided that the two damsels in distress should be female, this is to keep the the stereotypes of a typical thriller. We also decided to fit typical themes of a thriller we should use a male stalker, or villain. So we decided Daisy and Rosie should be the victims and I should be the villain.

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